Illustration of SPH - Dell - Nourish - Garden - Tomatillos


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Tomatillos are a native Mexican fruit and evidence of consumption has been dated as early as 900 BC. It is likely that the Aztecs were the first to begin using tomatillos even before tomatoes were cultivated. Tomatillos are staples in Mexican cuisine and also go by the name of "Mexican green tomatoes". Tomatillos can be eaten raw but they are usually roasted or simmered to allow natural flavors to emerge. Typical foods containing tomatillos are salsa verde, sauces for enchiladas and tacos and they pair well with meat and shellfish dishes too.

Nutritional Value

  • Vitamin K important for blood clotting
  • Vitamin C important for the immune system, healthy skin, and wound healing

How to Shop

Look for tomatillos that are large enough to fill their husks and are plump and bright green. Yellow fruit is a sign of over-ripeness and should be avoided. Feel fruit inside the husk to ensure plumpness and glossy skins.

How to Grow

When: it is best to wait until any danger of frost has passed before planting tomatillos outside. They have a long growing season and can be started indoors eight weeks before the end of frost season. Typically two or more plants are needed for the plants to blossom. They like full sun and frequent watering as well as cages or stalking to support growth and avoid weighing the plant down.

Harvest: ready to harvest when the fruit fills out the surrounding husk. You may harvest early like normal tomatoes and allow them to sit in an area with sunlight to further ripen

How to Store

Tomatillos will keep for a while in the fridge. Leave on the husks and store in a paper bag in the produce drawer and they will keep for 2-3 weeks.