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Collard greens, also known as collards, are a member of the cabbage family. Although collards are part of the cabbage family, they do not grow from heads but rather, they grow from their leaves.
The darker the leaf the more beta carotene provided.
Choose bunches with dark green leaves, no discoloration or yellowing of the leaves.
Collards need a deep soil that can be well-drained. It is a cool-season crop that should be grown during early spring or fall. Direct seed midsummer or early spring. Set transplants out in early spring or late summer.
Unwashed leaves should be wrapped in moist paper towels and placed in a sealed plastic bag where they can stay fresh for 4-5 days in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. Make sure they are thoroughly washed before use. To prevent the loss of nutrients, do not cook collards in too much water.