Nourish - Yellow Squash

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Yellow Squash

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Yellow straightneck squash is known as a summer squash and sometimes called marrow. Yellow summer squash is mostly produced in North America now. This squash can be harvested when immature at its baby squash stage or left to mature on the vine to a full sized summer squash. Yellow squash can be used both raw and cooked in recipes that call for zucchini or summer squash. Cooked and pureed squash can also be utilized in sauces and soups. Yellow squash flavors pair well with other summer vegetables such as tomato, eggplant, corn, shelling beans, peppers, toasted nuts, fresh herbs such as oregano, parsley and basil, roasted chicken, shellfish and cheeses such as ricotta, parmesan and feta.

Nutritional Value

Fun fact: Yellow Straightneck squash is believed to have come about as an offspring of the yellow crookneck squash. Studies on squash DNA done by Vegetable Crop Research Scientist Dr. Harry Paris indicates that the Straightneck squash was a result of an out-crossing of a cultivator of the crookneck group with a cultivator of the acorn group.

  • Fiber important for digestive health and keeps you feeling full
  • Folate important for preventing neural tube defects and may help prevent cancer
  • Potassium helps lower blood pressure and helps muscles contract
  • Iron & Copper important for formation of red blood cells
  • Beta carotene precursor to vitamin A, an antioxidant which is good for eyesight and skin

How to Shop

Find yellow squash that are between 6 to 8 inches long. You should be able to easily puncture the skin with your fingernail when assessing which squash to buy. They should feel firm, heavy for size, and show a bright and healthy skin as well as stem.

How to Grow

When: Plant yellow summer squash after the last freeze of the winter/spring has passed.

How: Give squash plants plenty of room to sprawl by planting them 3-6 feet apart because the vines will take over quickly. Grow them in an area that gets 6 plus hours of sun per day and has good, not too damp soil. Compost can be utilized to boost your native soil.

How to Store

If you plan on keeping your yellow squash in the fridge, don't wash it first. Instead, store them in the fridge inside of a plastic bag that has some holes poke in it. Yellow squash will last this way for about a week in the fridge.