Chives date all the way back to 3000 BC and were used to feed racehorses, wrestlers, and workers, as the intense flavor was correlated with intense physical effects. Other than for physical strength, it was used in ancient healing practices and to ward off bad luck. They are native to North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Chives taste like a milder blend of onions and garlic. They should be added towards the end of a dish to capture their biting flavor. They are often used in dishes with potatoes, eggs, vegetables, and bread.
Nutritional Value
An old saying states, “The chef whose potato lacks chives is a chef who himself lacks soul.” Chives contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
How to Shop
Choose hydrated, green, uniformly sized chives. Avoid chives that are wilted, turning yellow/brown, or drying out.
How to Grow
Chives should be planted in early spring; soil temperatures should be between 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit, in full sun with fertile, rich, and well-draining soil mixed with 4-6 inches of organic compost to a 6-8-inch depth. Seeds should be planted 2 inches apart and ¼ inch deep at most. Thin plants 4-6 inches apart when the seeds begin to sprout. Water consistently until soil is moist, but they do not require much care. They may be harvested 60 days after sow, when they are 10-15 inches tall with thin, lanky green leaves. The leaves should be cut with gardening shears to the base of the plant.
How to Store
Use chives immediately if fresh or freeze them in an airtight container. They can be stored for 3-5 days in an airtight container in the refrigerator.