Sweet Potatoes
Can be prepared as sweet or savory.
Pairs well with cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, ginger, mace, marjoram, nutmeg, poppy seed, sage, savory, and thyme
Can be prepared in a variety of ways including baking, boiling, roasting, sautéing, or pureeing for a soup Should only be consumed cooked
Extremely versatile and can be consumed at breakfast, lunch, or dinner Can typically be found in Latin American, Indian, and American cuisines
Nutritional Value:
- Fiber important for digestive health and keeps you feeling full
- Beta-carotene precursor to vitamin A, an antioxidant which is good for eyesight and skin
- Vitamin C important for immune system, healthy skin, and wound healing
- Potassium helps lower blood pressure and helps muscles contract
- Manganese contributes to healthy bones
How to SHOP:
Find sweet potatoes in the produce section of the grocery store near the other potatoes and onions They are available in early fall in Texas
Canned and frozen sweet potatoes are available year-round and are sometimes labeled as yams
When buying fresh sweet potatoes, choose those that are small to medium in size with smooth, un-bruised skins.
How to GROW:
Sweet potatoes are a tropical vegetable that thrives in long, hot summers
Start sprouts a month before warm weather occurs and when night temperatures get no colder than 60 degrees.
After a month, sprouts will grow 8-10” and produce several leaves. This is the optimum length for trans-planting to a garden.
Till the soil and plants the sprouts 9-10” apart at a depth of 3”. Water well after planting.
Sweet potato roots are harvested 90-120 days after transplanting
How to STORE:
Sweet potatoes need to be stored in a dark, dry, and cool around 55?F environment. Under these conditions they can be stored for 3-4 weeks.
Do not refrigerate.