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A Theory-Based Pregnancy, HIV, and Sexually
Transmitted Disease Prevention Program

It's Your Game...Keep It Real


When should I incorporate the It’s Your Game…Keep it Real lessons into my health courses?

Ideally, IYG should be taught during health instruction, although it can be implemented in other classes such as science. Lessons meet many of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) objectives so teachers in Texas feel using IYG lessons is an excellent way to cover puberty, life skills, relationships, consequences of risky behavior, and refusal skills.


I have large class sizes. How will I be able to schedule computer activities to accommodate all of my students?

This is a common issue, and each school/organization addresses this concern in a different way. It is important that you brainstorm and discuss options with your school administrators and computer lab teacher as soon as you begin planning to use IYG, if implementing in a school setting. A couple of options that have been successful in schools include: divide classes on scheduled computer days and rotate with other teachers in the department or assign computer activities as homework.


I have students from more than one grade level in the same class. Can I still teach It’s Your Game…Keep it Real?

Ideally, Level 1 of IYG is implemented with 7th grade students, and Level 2 is implemented with 8th grade students. However, some teachers have taught Level 2 lessons to 7th grade students and some have taught Level 1 lessons to 6th grade students. IYG is flexible to fit your needs.


What is the difference between abstinence-only and abstinence-plus? How do I know which one is right for my organization/school?

Both abstinence-only and abstinence-plus programs emphasize abstinence; however, abstinence-plus programs also include skills-training activities to help students learn how to use condoms and other contraceptives correctly. It is important that you understand your school/organization’s policy regarding sexual health education and have ongoing conversations with your administrators regarding which program would best fit the needs and values of your school/organization.

There are two versions of IYG from which to choose to best meet your school/organization’s needs. IYG Risk Reduction emphasizes abstinence but also provides students with knowledge and skills to protect themselves from pregnancy and STDs. IYG Risk Avoidance emphasizes the benefits of abstinence-until-marriage, individual and social benefits of marriage, and incorporates elements of character development and future orientation.


If I omit the lessons that discuss condoms/contraceptives will the program still be successful?

It is never a good idea to delete whole sections of an evidence-based program. The condom/contraceptive lessons of the IYG curriculum have been identified as core elements. A core element is an essential component of a program and is responsible for the program’s effectiveness. Deleting this section would change the program, and the effects observed in the original trials may not be seen. If your organization is concerned with the condom/contraceptive lessons, then you should consider using the IYG Risk Avoidance program, which has an optional contraceptive knowledge activity.

Research Findings - RR
Curriculum Registration
Requirements - RR