Dissertation Proposal Defense by Abigail Adjei MBChB, MPH: Nicotine Dependence Among Adolescent E-cigarette Users

When & Where

December 5, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
WebEx ( View in Google Map)


Event Description

Dissertation Proposal Defense by Abigail Adjei MBChB, MPH| Ph.D. Candidate Committee Members: Melissa B. Harrell, Ph.D. (Academic Supervisor, Chair) Anna V. Wilkinson, Ph.D. (MCH Certificate) Baojiang Chen, Ph.D. (Minor representative- Biostatistics) Dale S. Mantey, Ph.D. (External Reviewer) Presentation will be held via WebEx

Event Site Link


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Dissertation Proposal Defense by Abigail Adjei MBChB, MPH| Ph.D. Candidate Committee Members: Melissa B. Harrell, Ph.D. (Academic Supervisor, Chair) Anna V. Wilkinson, Ph.D. (MCH Certificate) Baojiang Chen, Ph.D. (Minor representative- Biostatistics) Dale S. Mantey, Ph.D. (External Reviewer) Presentation will be held via WebEx

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