Dissertation Proposal Defense by Zitong Zhang, MS: Scholarly Recommendation Systems: Recommenders for Datasets and Grant Projects
When & Where
December 11, 2023
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Teams app ( View in Google Map)
- Zitong Zhang
- 352-681-1222
- [email protected]
Event Description
Dissertation proposal defense by Zitong Zhang, MS | PhD Candidate |Committee members: Ashraf Yaseen, PhD (chair/supervisor); Hulin Wu, PhD (academic advisor); Tru Cao, PhD; Miryoung Lee, PhD | Presentation will be held via TeamsEvent Site Link
"name":"Dissertation Proposal Defense by Zitong Zhang, MS: Scholarly Recommendation Systems: Recommenders for Datasets and Grant Projects",
"description":"Dissertation proposal defense by Zitong Zhang, MS | PhD Candidate |Committee members: Ashraf Yaseen, PhD (chair/supervisor); Hulin Wu, PhD (academic advisor); Tru Cao, PhD; Miryoung Lee, PhD | Presentation will be held via Teams\n\nhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjAyNTY4NGItMGRmMy00NDYyLThlY2EtMjcyZTEyMmIzNzFk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227b326d24-41ad-4f57-bc60-89e4a6ac721b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225324be18-8960-4dc1-94e5-5df5fef046f3%22%7d",
"location":"Teams app",
"label":"Add to Calendar",