Dr. Cannell's Lab at the School of Public Health

Dr. Cannell is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology, who's research is broadly focused healthy aging and health-related quality of life.




Dr. Michael "Brad" Cannell PhD., is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology at UTHealth Houston, whose research is broadly focused on healthy aging and health-related quality of life. Dr. Cannell has published research focusing on preservation of physical and cognitive function, living/aging with disability, and understanding/preventing elder mistreatment and has been principal or co-investigator on multiple trials and observational studies in community and healthcare settings.




Detection of Elder Abuse Through Emergency Care Technicians Revised for Primary Care (DETECT-RPC) is a five-year, $5.9 million grant funded by the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health in 2022. DETECT-RPC will allow researchers at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health to address the need for effective and efficient elder mistreatment screening in primary care, particularly for older adults who are living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Dr. Cannell, PhD, MPH, previously created Detection of Elder Abuse Through Emergency Care Technicians (DETECT), a screening tool and protocol designed to help EMTs, and paramedics recognize potential elder mistreatment when responding to 911 calls in the field. The DETECT-RPC Grant will expand that program by adapting DETECT for home-based primary care.



For a complete list of publications, please visit:


James Barnes

James Barnes , BA

Program Manager

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James has over 25 years of experience as a manager at UTHealth's School of Public Health and the Baltimore City Police Department. For the past six years, James has been managing multiple grants at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health in Dallas. Grants: DETECT-RPC R61/R33, DETECT R01, Link2Care R01, SAMHSA and several smaller studies.

Ebiekimie (Ebie) Dambo

Ebiekimie (Ebie) Dambo, MPH


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Ebie Dambo is a graduate research assistant currently pursuing a customized MPH degree with an advanced data science certificate. She enjoys working with R and other programming languages while helping to solve public health issues that affect vulnerable and disadvantaged populations.

Morrigan Mahady

Morrigan Mahady , MPH


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Morrigan Mahady is a Graduate Research Assistant on the DETECT project under Dr. Cannell, currently focused on deduplicating and linking records for study participants. Prior to joining the team, Morri provided direct patient care in their previous roles in crisis rapid-deployment critical care nursing across the United States and in critical care

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UTHealth Houston is internationally recognized as one of the world's great research universities. The School of Public Health connects research, education, patient care, and community outreach in bold, innovative ways. Basic scientists and clinical researchers from all disciplines work together to deliver innovative solutions that create the best hope for a healthier future. Our faculty are pioneering radical solutions for imminent public health problems and provide the tools and resources that will push our students to think critically and creatively both in and out of the classroom. This is where academic rigor meets real-world application.

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