RURAL Time Use Lab

Re-envisioning Urban-Rural Active Living and Time Use



We get 1,440 minutes each day. Each minute we spend sitting is one less minute to be active. Each minute we spend behind a screen is one less minute of quality sleep. The RURAL Time Use Lab is interested in how individuals spend their day and how social, environmental, and societal factors influence those choices. We consider how these contexts differ across the urban-rural continuum and how we can design effective and scalable context-specific behavioral interventions to improve movement compositions (physical activity, screentime/sedentary behavior, and sleep). Interests include: a) Contextual time use and its influence on 24-hour movement behaviors; b) Differences in active living environments across the urban-rural continuum; c) Co-creation of effective and scalable behavioral interventions at multiple levels (home, school, community, policy); d) Youth populations; e) Obesity-related behaviors



Christopher Pfledderer

Christopher Pfledderer, PhD

Assistant Professor

My work involves finding ways to optimize the scale-up of childhood obesity-related interventions from both implementation and translational perspectives. I have specific expertise in school-based physical activity promotion (both as a researcher and former K12 teacher) and aim to use these experiences to improve physical activity interventions in rural communities. I use context-specific observational approaches to understand the complete 24-hour movement behavior cycle and I utilize these data to design effective and scalable behavioral intervention strategies for rural and urban youth.

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