Dissertation Defense by Andrea Antwi, MPH: Facilitators and Barriers to Implementing a National Identification Project
When & Where
November 15, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Zoom ( View in Google Map)
- Andrea Antwi
- [email protected]
Event Description
Dissertation Defense by Andrea Antwi, MPH | PhD Candidate | Committee Members: Stephen H. Linder, PhD (chair/supervisor/academic advisor); Belinda Hernandez, PhD, MPH (minor representative); Gretchen Walton, JD, MPH (breadth representative) |Presentation will be held via Zoom | Dissertation title: Facilitators and Barriers to Implementing a Large-Scale National Identification Project Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) | Meeting URL: https://uthealth.zoom.us/j/93627863820?pwd=jTmzmNsG0anzXrUwLAhVo5Wp4aWeOI.1 | Meeting ID: 936 2786 3820 Password: 542182Event Site Link
"name":"Dissertation Defense by Andrea Antwi, MPH: Facilitators and Barriers to Implementing a National Identification Project",
"description":"Dissertation Defense by Andrea Antwi, MPH | PhD Candidate | Committee Members:
Stephen H. Linder, PhD (chair/supervisor/academic advisor); Belinda Hernandez, PhD, MPH
(minor representative); Gretchen Walton, JD, MPH (breadth representative) |Presentation will be
held via Zoom | Dissertation title: Facilitators and Barriers to Implementing a Large-Scale
National Identification Project Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research
(CFIR) | Meeting URL: https://uthealth.zoom.us/j/93627863820?pwd=jTmzmNsG0anzXrUwLAhVo5Wp4aWeOI.1 | Meeting ID: 936 2786 3820 Password:
"label":"Add to Calendar",