33rd Annual Steele Lecture with Robert Steffen, MD

When & Where

May 8, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
SPH Auditorium and TEAMS Link ( View in Google Map)


Event Description

Join us for the 33rd James H. Steele, DVM fall lecture with Robert Steffen, MD, who will present his lecture, "International Travel Vaccination Priorities Differ on Two Sides of the Atlantic - Why?" in the SPH Auditorium and virtually. Free lunch for the first 40 attendees.

Event Site Link


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Join us for the 33rd James H. Steele, DVM fall lecture with Robert Steffen, MD, who will present his lecture, "International Travel Vaccination Priorities Differ on Two Sides of the Atlantic - Why?" in the SPH Auditorium and virtually. Free lunch for the first 40 attendees.

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