Dissertation Defense by Lynne Heilbrun, MPH: Characterization of the tooth exposome in children with and without autism

When & Where

February 5, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
San Antonio Campus, 7411 John Smith Dr. #1100 Rm 1134 ( View in Google Map)


Event Description

Dissertation defense by Lynne Heilbrun, MPH, PhD Candidate Committee members: David Gimeno Ruiz De Porras, MS, PhD (Dissertation Chair), Anna Gitter, MS, PHD (Academic Advisor), Anabel Rodriguez, MS, PhD, L. Aubree Shay, PhD, Presentation will be held in person at the San Antonio Campus, 7411 John Smith Dr. #1100 Rm 1134 and via Microsoft Teams meeting.

Meeting ID: 235 632 179 36Passcode: MM3ybL

Event Site Link


{ "name":"Dissertation Defense by Lynne Heilbrun, MPH: Characterization of the tooth exposome in children with and without autism", "description":"

Dissertation defense by Lynne Heilbrun, MPH, PhD Candidate Committee members: David Gimeno Ruiz De Porras, MS, PhD (Dissertation Chair), Anna Gitter, MS, PHD (Academic Advisor), Anabel Rodriguez, MS, PhD, L. Aubree Shay, PhD, Presentation will be held in person at the San Antonio Campus, 7411 John Smith Dr. #1100 Rm 1134 and via Microsoft Teams meeting.

Meeting ID: 235 632 179 36Passcode: MM3ybL

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