The 2024 Harry E. Bovay, Jr. Annual Lecture featuring Guest Speaker Daniel E. Lieberman, Ph..D

When & Where

March 1, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine Fayez S. and Susan Sarofim Research Building The Beth Robertson Auditorium 1825 Pressler Street Houston TX 77030 ( View in Google Map)


Event Description

The Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM) invited honored lecturer Dr. Daniel E. Lieberman from Harvard University.. He is the Chair and Professor in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, and the Edwin M. Lerner Professor of Biological Sciences. Presentation Title: “Why Exercise Is Medicine? An evolutionary explanation for the effects of exercise on metabolism, Inflammation, and other physiological processes that affect aging and disease to interventions”
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