Let’s Talk Resumes & CV’s

When & Where

February 13, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
RAS W-102B/Teams ( View in Google Map)


Event Description

This virtual/in-person Resume/CV event will be hosted by the Office of Public Health Practice and Engagement (OPHPE) in partnership with Writing Support Services. Dr. McEvoy-Jamil will discuss resume/CV tips, techniques, and common mishaps. Dr. McEvoy-Jamil will specifically cover resume style, formatting, length, and fonts; resume language such as writing tips, active keywords, and inclusion of skills and experience; and common mistakes made on resumes/CVs. Toward the end of the event, students will have time to ask questions or gain brief feedback.

Event Site Link


Additional Information

Let’s Talk Resumes & CV’s

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This virtual/in-person Resume/CV event will be hosted by the Office of Public Health Practice and Engagement (OPHPE) in partnership with Writing Support Services. Dr. McEvoy-Jamil will discuss resume/CV tips, techniques, and common mishaps. Dr. McEvoy-Jamil will specifically cover resume style, formatting, length, and fonts; resume language such as writing tips, active keywords, and inclusion of skills and experience; and common mistakes made on resumes/CVs. Toward the end of the event, students will have time to ask questions or gain brief feedback.

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