Dissertation Defense by Muinat Abolore Idris, MPH: Exploring the Impact of Occupational Exposure and Working Conditions Related to

When & Where

February 27, 2024
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
El Paso Campus: Room 113 ( View in Google Map)


Event Description

Dissertation Defense by Muinat Abolore Idris, MPH | PhD Candidate | Committee members: William B. Perkison, MD, MPH, FACOEM (chair, supervisor, academic advisor); Christine Markham, PhD; Kristina D. Mena, MSPH, PhD | Presentation will be held via Teams and in-person. Time: 9:00 AM MST (10:00 AM CST) Title: Exploring the Impact of Occupational Exposure and Working Conditions Related to Heat Stress on Natural Gas Construction Workers' Well-Being and Quality of Life

Event Site Link


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