Cannabis Vaping among Youth and Young Adults: Prevalence, Trends, Need for Intervention
When & Where
April 18, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
GoTo Webinar ( View in Google Map)
- Becca Ortiz
- 512-391-2512
- [email protected]
Event Description
Vaping has become the most common method of cannabis use among youth and young adults in the US. Using data from national and Texas-based studies, Dr. Dale Mantey will discuss the shifting trends and patterns of cannabis use before addressing the ongoing development of a school-based, cannabis vaping prevention program.Event Site Link
"name":"Cannabis Vaping among Youth and Young Adults: Prevalence, Trends, Need for Intervention",
"description":"Vaping has become the most common method of cannabis use among youth and young adults in the US. Using data from national and Texas-based studies, Dr. Dale Mantey will discuss the shifting trends and patterns of cannabis use before addressing the ongoing development of a school-based, cannabis vaping prevention program.\n\n",
"location":"GoTo Webinar",
"label":"Add to Calendar",