Yunxin Fu




Reuel Stallones Building
1200 Pressler Street, Houston, TX 77030

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I was trained as a biostatistician specialized in computational biology, and have spent much of my career in developing population genetics theory and statistical methods for analyzing population samples of DNA sequences, including algorithms for simulating samples for the analysis of large scale data. Recently I have been involved in the analysis of polymorphism data from the 1000 Genomes Project and related large data sets. In addition to my continuous work on population genetics theory and evolution, my recent interest include within–individual polymorphism generated by both classical experiments and next generation sequencing for the purpose of understanding the mutational process during individual development, and population genetics of T. thermorphila.

Center Affiliation

Human Genetics Center

Research Interests

  • Big Data/Data Science
  • Biostatistics
  • Genetics and -omics
  • Infectious Disease