Johnny Wilkerson

Associate Professor

Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences


University Center Tower & Parking
7000 Fannin, Houston, TX 77030

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Dr. Wilkerson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Public Health. As part of his academic appointment at the School of Public Health, he serves as a faculty co-coordinator for the health disparities certificate program. His academic training includes a doctoral degree in adult, professional, and community education, a master’s degree in health education, and a master’s degree in epidemiology. His research focuses on the identification of individual and structural determinants that contribute to health disparities among marginalized populations and the development and evaluation of health promotion programs. He is particularly concerned about disparities in substance use recovery and HIV/STI prevention. He has been working as a practitioner and researcher in community health education for over twenty years. Currently, he is funded to evaluate recovery residences and a re-entry program for persons participating in medication-assisted recovery, a certification program for peer recovery support specialists, and curricula for persons enrolled in an intensive outpatient program. Dr. Wilkerson teaches graduate courses in health promotion theory and methods, health disparities, and adult and community education.

Center Affiliation

Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research

Research Interests

  • Cancer
  • Health Education/Behavioral Sciences
  • Health Equity
  • Program Evaluation
  • Sexual Health
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Substance Use

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