Alumni Feature: Fatima Frausto, MPH

From the Desk Alumni Feature

Alumni Feature: Fatima Frausto, MPH, MPH
Alumni Feature: Fatima Frausto, MPH, MPH

The SPH Career and Alumni Services is featuring alumni in the series called “From the Desks of SPH Alumni!” Alumni are invited to share 3 items, ideas, or elements that define their workspace and daily life as a public health professional.

Featuring: Fatima Frausto, MPH. 

Degree Received from UTHealth SPH: MPH in Health Promotion & Health Education

Current Position: Team Lead at Texas DSHS in Austin, Texas

From the Desk:

Item 1: Wall of pictures of family and friends

All of the pictures are of family and friends in different moments of time--college, graduation, grad school, parties. I wouldn’t be here without the support of family and friends, and it keeps me focused on my end goal: improving the health of Texans.

Item 2: Notepads

Most of my notes on meetings are done electronically, but I feel like I’m transcribing rather than understanding what the messages are. Enter notepads. While takes a bit longer, I can at least take the time to listen what’s going on and write down the important stuff.

Item 3: A grad school textbook

One of the few textbooks I kept was Essentials of Health Justice. Ever wondered why health isn’t a constitutional right? Read the book to find out! Public health law became my niche interest after reading it. Thanks for having it on the syllabus, Dr. Schick! Connect with Fatima on LinkedIn!

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