Alumni Feature: Jennifer Torres Jones, MPH

From the Desk Alumni Feature

Alumni Feature: Jennifer Torres Jones, MPH
Alumni Feature: Jennifer Torres Jones, MPH

The SPH Career and Alumni Services is featuring alumni in the series called “From the Desks of SPH Alumni!” Alumni are invited to share 3 items, ideas, or elements that define their workspace and daily life as a public health professional.

Featuring: Jennifer Torres Jones, MPH

Degree Received from UTHealth School of Public Health: MPH in Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences

Current Position: Senior Program Manager of Research for UTHealth Houston

From the Desk:

Item 1: Photos

I keep lots of photos of family and friends around me at work. They serve as a reminder of the most important things in life, especially when things get stressful.

Item 2: Wall calendar

My wall calendar with all months of year not only helps me keeps track of big events and birthdays but helps me remember the big picture for long projects.

Item 3: Scratch paper

I'm a visual person, so I keep scratch paper close to me so I can jot down thoughts or sketch the flow of a process.

Additional Comments from Jennifer: I appreciate staying close to SPH. I've made life long friends and mentors during my time in the program and at work. Connect with Jennifer on LinkedIn!

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