Jackson Suplita Named This Is Public Health Ambassador

Jackson Suplita

Jackson Suplita, a second year healthcare management MPH student, will serve on the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health’s (ASPPH) This Is Public Health (TIPH)  2021-2022 Ambassador Cohort. 

Members of this cohort are nominated by the institutions they attend and serve to raise awareness about the field of public health through various campaigns.

"As a TIPH student ambassador, I hope to advance the cause of public health by conducting a social media takeover of ASPPH,” said Suplita. “This level of exposure will allow me to be able to reach a wider audience and connect them with valuable resources that will improve their quality of health and mental wellbeing. I will also be a part of a panel representing MPH students with a focus on healthcare management which is, in my mind, an underrepresented aspect of public health."

The new 2021-2022 Ambassador Cohort is the largest yet, with 51 current graduate students representing 32 ASPPH member schools. ASPPH launched the TIPH Ambassador program in 2017. Students who participate as ambassadors help raise awareness about the field of public health by leading virtual events, taking over the TIPH social media accounts, and contributing to projects and presentations to assist in educating others about public health education and careers.

Click here to see the full list of TIPH Ambassadors for 2021-2022

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