Library of Evidence-Based Public Health Tools and Resources Now Available on CHPPR Website

A collage of logos for various center projects.

The UTHealth Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research (CHPPR) has launched a publicly-accessible library of evidence-based tools and resources designed to support a range of health promotion and prevention efforts. These tools are pulled from CHPPR’s long history of research and include evidence-based interventions for cancer and chronic diseases, adolescent health curriculums, community outreach and education materials, and implementation support tools, among others.

“CHPPR Investigators have been developing a variety of effective health promotion tools for decades,” said Ross Shegog, PhD. “But due to the nature of grant funding, faculty and staff eventually have to turn their attention to new projects. This often leaves proven resources without any form of active support or promotion to get them into the hands of practitioners and organizations who could make use of them. By collecting these tools in one place and actively promoting them, we can give these programs a new lease on life.”

In order to spread awareness of these tools among potential users, including healthcare providers, educators, community organizations, and other researchers, CHPPR hosts the “Health Unlimited” webinar series, in which faculty or staff involved with the development of individual resources can share relevant information with prospective users. Recordings of these webinars are made available on YouTube and through the CHPPR Resources webpage. The first webinar in the series, “How to fast-track Latina cancer screening and HPV vaccination with Salud en Mis Manos,” is available now.

This resource toolkit is developed and maintained by CHPPR’s CDC-funded Prevention Research Center (PRC) Communications Core, comprised of Shegog and Communications Specialist Erik McKenny. So far, 12 resources have been made available on the CHPPR website, with more to come as additional tools are identified or developed. In addition to hosting and linking to tools that have already been made available, the Communications Core has developed a process for creating frontend webpages to host resources that have otherwise not been made publicly available, lowering the barrier to entry for tools and resources to be featured online even after the projects that developed them have concluded.

This resource toolkit was developed as part of CHPPR’s activities as a CDC-funded Prevention Research Center. The Prevention Research Centers are a network of 26 research centers across the US that study how people and communities can avoid or reduce the risks and impacts of chronic illnesses. To view the available resources and learn more about CHPPR’s PRC activities, visit the CHPPR website.

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