Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research


Henry (Shelton) Brown, III, PhD

Photo of Henry (Shelton) Brown, III

Associate Professor, Management, Policy & Community Health
[email protected]

Dr. Brown specializes in health economics. He has examined health insurance markets, and the productivity of those with diabetes. More recently, he has assessed the cost-effectiveness of several public health interventions including childhood obesity, nutrition, vaccination, opioid and substance use disorder, and smoking cessation. 

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Current Projects

STREETS (Safe TRavel Environment Evaluation in Texas Schools)

Thumbnail image for STREETS (Safe TRavel Environment Evaluation in Texas Schools)

The STREETS Study (Safe TRavel Environment Evaluation in Texas Schools) is a five-year (2018 – 2023) natural experiment that is evaluating the City of Austin Safe Routes to School program.

HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living)

Thumbnail image for HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living)

This project is a clinic-community based intervention to implement an early life-cycle approach to obesity prevention among pregnant women and women with infants from low-income families.

Recent Publications

Are Hospital Workers Healthy? A Study of Cardiometabolic, Behavioral, and Psychosocial Factors Associated With Obesity Among Hospital Workers

(Sharma SV, Upadhyaya M, Karhade M, Baun WB, Perkison WB, Pompeii LA, Brown HS, Hoelscher DM; J Occup Environ Med.; 2016)

Cardiometabolic Risk Factors among Children and Adolescents with Severe Obesity in the United States, 1999-2012

(Li L, Pérez A, Wu LT, Ranjit N, Brown HS, Kelder SH; Child Obes.; 2016)

Cost-effectiveness of a community-based weight control intervention targeting a low-socioeconomic-status Mexican-origin population

(Wilson, K, Brown HS, Bastida E; Health Promotion Practice, 2015)

Cross-gender Social Normative Effects for Violence in Middle School: Do Girls Carry a Social Multiplier Effect for At-risk Boys?

(Yarnell LM, Pasch KE, Brown HS 3rd, Perry CL, Komro KA; Journal of Youth and Adolescence; 2014)

The price of access: Capitalization of neighborhood contextual factors and obesity

(Brown HS, Yarnell LM; International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2013)

Cigarette Quitlines, Taxes, and Other Tobacco Control Policies: A State-Level Analysis

(Brown HS, Karson S; Health Economics, 2013)

The cost-effectiveness of a school-based smoking prevention program in India

(Brown HS, Stigler MH, Perry CL, Dhavan P, Arora M, Reddy KS; Health Promotion International, 2013)

Influence of grade-level drinking norms on individual drinking behavior

(Yarnell L, Brown HS, Pasch KE, Perry CL, Komro KA; American Journal of Health Behavior, 2013)

Cost-effectiveness analysis of a community health worker intervention for low-income Hispanic adults with diabetes

(Brown HS, Wilson KJ, Pagan JA, Arcari CM, Martinez M, Smith K, Reininger BM ; Preventing Chronic Disease , 2012)

Missed opportunities for diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia in a Mexican American population, Cameron County Hispanic Cohort, 2003-2008

(Fisher-Hoch SP, Vatcheva KP, Laing ST, Hossain MM, Rahbar MH, Hanis CM, Brown HS, Rentfro AR, Reininger BM, McCormick JB ; Preventing Chronic Disease, 2012)

Classroom norms and individual smoking behavior in middle school

(Yarnell LM, Brown HS ; American Journal of Health Behavior , 2012)

Physical activity, television viewing, and the risk of obesity in students, Texas

(Perez A, Hoelscher DM, Springer AE, Brown HS, Barroso CS, Kelder SH, Castrucci B ; Preventing Chronic Disease , 2011)

Diabetes and employment productivity: Does diabetes management matter?

(Brown HS, Perez A, Yarnell L, Pagan JA, Hanis CM, Fisher-Hoch SP, McCormick JB. ; The American Journal of Managed Care, 2011)