Project Overview
SmokefreeSGM is a text-messaging based intervention designed to help lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people quit smoking cigarettes. This text-messaging program was developed by our research team with input from tobacco specialists, former and current sexual and gender minority (SGM) smokers, as well as other scientists focused on SGM research.
Project Staff
Project personnel are listed below. Click on a name to view the individual profile.
CHPPR Research Study Tests Text-Message-Based Intervention for Sexual and Gender Minority Smokers
CHPPR’s SmokefreeSGM research study is a text-messaging-based intervention designed to help lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people quit smoking cigarettes. The study aims to develop and test a sexual and gender minority (SGM) tailored text-based program and examine recruitment, retention, and smoking abstinence rates at 1, 3, and 6 months of follow-up.