Environmental exposure-associated multi-omics

How do carcinogens and neurotoxicants in ambient air interact with the human body?



Our research focuses on the development and application of exposure-associated multi-omics assessment methods to characterize environmental and occupational exposures for health studies. We investigate toxic exposures in environmental settings, combining industrial hygiene principles with multi-omics approaches including genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and metagenomics.


Fire Smoke Exposure-Associated Protein Profiles at Fire Suppression

Fire Smoke Exposure-Associated Protein Profiles at Fire Suppression

The objective of this project is to examine fire-smoke carcinogens and their interactions with factors and mechanisms that contribute to the elevated risks of cancer in firefighters.

Promoting Firefighters’ Mental Health

Promoting Firefighters’ Mental Health

The objective of this project is to investigate the role played by inhaled neurotoxicants in the alteration of human genetics and metabolic signatures and pathways, alterations that may affect the neurological health of firefighters.

Impact of Workers' PPE on Cancer-Related miRNA Profiles

Impact of Workers' PPE on Cancer-Related miRNA Profiles

The objective of this project is to extract significant exposure variables from the personal protective equipment practices of firefighters and relate them to cancer-associated microRNA expression.

Longitudinal Effect of Environmental Exposure to Pollen and Air Pollution

Longitudinal Effect of Environmental Exposure to Pollen and Air Pollution

The objective of this longitudinal study is to associate environmental exposure to pollen and air pollutants with children’s respiratory illnesses, including asthma, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia.

Impact of Poultry-Feeding Operations on the Community

Impact of Poultry-Feeding Operations on the Community

The objective of this project is to investigate the environmental factors and mechanisms that contribute to ambient air contamination levels and modulate the potential impact of PFO on residents' respiratory systems.


Jooyeon Hwang

Jooyeon Hwang, PhD

Associate Professor

Jooyeon Hwang, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences and Deputy Director of the Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health. As a Principal Investigator, she has secured federal research funding from sources such as the CDC and the NIH. Her research focuses on evaluating the relationships between occupational and environmental exposures to specific contaminants and adverse health effects in several different sectors, including public safety (firefighting and the military), construction, agriculture, and mining.

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Alumni Coming soon

Get Involved

We are seeking students and collaborators who are enthusiastic about research opportunities on airborne toxicants and multi-omics.

If you have a strong interest in our research projects and want to work closely with our team, please contact Jooyeon Hwang.

[email protected] or 713-500-9274

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UTHealth Houston is internationally recognized as one of the world's great research universities. The School of Public Health connects research, education, patient care, and community outreach in bold, innovative ways. Basic scientists and clinical researchers from all disciplines work together to deliver innovative solutions that create the best hope for a healthier future. Our faculty are pioneering radical solutions for imminent public health problems and provide the tools and resources that will push our students to think critically and creatively both in and out of the classroom. This is where academic rigor meets real-world application.

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