Texas Physical Activity Research Collaborative

Advancing Physical Activity and Public Health through graduate education and cutting-edge research.

We are looking for motivated master and doctoral students!



The Texas Physical Activity Research Collaborative (Texas PARC) was founded by the late Harold W. (Bill) Kohl, III. TPARC's faculty, students, and postdoctoral fellows seek to advance Physical Activity and Public Health research, practice, and graduate education throughout the state of Texas, the US, and the world. Whether physical activity is studied as an exposure, as an outcome, or as a policy, more people who are more active will make healthier populations. Our group continues to work together to honor the legacy of Bill Kohl and we invite you to read a tribute to him, authored by many current members and alumni of this collaborative. https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/jpah/21/3/article-p212.xml


Implementing Classroom-Based Physical Activity Approaches in Schools

Implementing Classroom-Based Physical Activity Approaches in Schools

Classroom-based physical activity approaches are an evidence-based way to support student’s physical activity, behavior, and learning. This study sets out to develop and test an implementation strategy to improve the use of classroom-based physical activity approaches among teachers in elementary schools.

Routes to Environmental Justice: Assessment of Ambient Environmental Exposures

Routes to Environmental Justice: Assessment of Ambient Environmental Exposures

Extreme heat may threaten the effectiveness of interventions for child physical activity including the national program Safe Routes to School. Using modeled estimates of heat stress and children’s geolocated physical activity on school routes, this three-year, NIH-funded study will determine the relations between built environment changes from Safe Routes to School, children’s exposure to ambient temperature, and their active school commuting behavior. Research findings can provide evidence for whether urban heat management strategies are needed to be incorporated as environmental interventions within Safe Routes to School and other programs designed to promote physical activity.

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Enhancing Pediatric Heart-Brain Health Equity Using Machine Learning

Enhancing Pediatric Heart-Brain Health Equity Using Machine Learning

This research initiative is dedicated to understanding the multifaceted impact of pediatric cardiovascular health and metabolic disorders, such as elevated blood pressure and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, on adolescent brain development and executive function. By meticulously analyzing detailed neuroimaging data and extensive health metrics over the critical transition from childhood into adolescence, our project seeks to delineate how these health conditions influence neurodevelopmental trajectories. The primary objective is to develop comprehensive predictive models integrating clinical, behavioral, and environmental factors to identify at-risk children accurately. This effort aims not only to enhance early detection but also to facilitate the implementation of effective, tailored interventions that can preempt or ameliorate adverse developmental outcomes.

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Healthy Liver/Higado Sano Study

Healthy Liver/Higado Sano Study

The Healthy Liver/Higado Sano Study aims to develop and pilot test a multilevel, multidomain behavioral lifestyle intervention to promote physical activity and healthy diet for Hispanic/Latino adults with metabolic-dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD).

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Feasibility and Initial Efficacy of a Wheelchair Exercise-training Intervention

Feasibility and Initial Efficacy of a Wheelchair Exercise-training Intervention

This study will examine the feasibility and initial efficacy of a stakeholder-informed, home-based, remotely supported and supervised exercise training program for wheelchair users with multiple sclerosis (MS).


Deborah Salvo

Deborah Salvo,

Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Salvo is a physical activity and public health scientist. Through her work, she seeks to understand the role of context on physical activity and health disparities, with a special emphasis on Latin American populations, both in the US and abroad. Her research is motivated by the pursuit of health equity and social justice. Her long-term goal is to produce contextually relevant evidence for reducing spatial health disparities in access to environments that enable physically active, healthy and sustainable lifestyles for all.

Publication List

Natalia Heredia

Natalia Heredia, PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Natalia I. Heredia is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences. Her research focuses on the promotion of physical activity and healthy diets in Hispanic/Latino adults and families. Dr. Heredia’s research seeks to identify psychosocial and environmental determinants of physical activity and diet using mixed methods, and then use this body of work to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve lifestyle behaviors, especially in Hispanic/Latino adults.

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Timothy Walker

Timothy Walker, PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Tim Walker is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences. His primary research interests are in physical activity promotion, implementation science, and health disparities. Dr. Walker is currently studying the adoption and implementation of, as well as evaluating physical activity programs in schools.

Publication List

Christopher Pfledderer

Christopher Pfledderer, PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Pfledderer's research linvolves finding ways to optimize the scale-up of childhood obesity-related interventions from both implementation and translational perspectives. He has expertise in school-based physical activity promotion (both as a researcher and former K12 teacher) and aims to use these experiences to improve physical activity interventions in rural communities. Most recently he has expanded to study the complete 24hr movement behavior cycle and plans to complement his community-based intervention work with observational research in both urban and rural settings.

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Kevin Lanza

Kevin Lanza, PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Kevin Lanza is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences at our Austin location. His research explores the relations between the environment, health behaviors, and health through the lens of climate equity. His primary aims are to determine the impact of extreme heat on physical activity, exertional heat illness, and chronic diseases of individuals living in low-income communities and communities of color, and to develop interventions (behavioral, programmatic, and environmental) to improve community resilience.

Publication List

Augusto Cesar Ferreira De Moraes

Augusto Cesar Ferreira De Moraes, PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Augusto Cesar Ferreira De Moraes is an Assistant Professor in the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living and the Department of Epidemiology at our Austin location. His research interests include cardiovascular health epidemiology, lifestyle behaviors, neurocognitive development, diagnostic/predictive methods, and their possible interactions with environmental and socioeconomic determinants. Also, evidence-based medicine/public health, and the effectiveness of health behaviors promotion (such as physical activity) policies.

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Ethan Hunt

Ethan Hunt, PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Ethan Hunt is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences at our Austin location. His research interests include childhood obesity prevention, health disparities, the impacts of trauma, particularly Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and how adversity impacts child health outcomes.

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Andrea Ramirez Varela

Andrea Ramirez Varela, PhD, MD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Ramirez Varela is a physician-scientist specializing in public health, physical activity epidemiology, and health policy research. Three main areas of focus: (1) Physical activity prevalence, determinants, and outcomes in underserved populations across the lifespan, including childhood obesity and malnutrition; (2) Strengthening global surveillance systems for physical activity to promote effective and equitable initiatives; and (3) Syndemic approach to understand the relationship between physical activity promotion, noncommunicable disease prevention, and infectious disease crises.

Publication List

Stephanie L. Silveira

Stephanie L. Silveira, PhD

Assistant Professor

Stephanie L. Silveira, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management, Policy and Community Health. Her research focuses on improving community health using evidence-based behavioral interventions. Her current work is focused on exercise, diet, and emotional wellbeing among individuals with chronic disabling conditions such as multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury with an emphasis on health disparities. She has received funding from the National Institutes of Health, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers.

Publication List

Derek Craig

Derek Craig, PhD.

Assistant Professor

Dr. Craig is an Assistant Professor at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health. His research interests include physical activity promotion, implementation science, and cancer prevention and control. Dr. Craig’s current work is focused on examining schools’ readiness for implementing physical activity opportunities.

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Kempson Onadeko

Kempson Onadeko, MPH

Graduate Assistant

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Kempson Onadeko is a 3rd year DrPH student in the Department of Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences, working primarily with Dr. Walker. His research interests are physical activity, nutrition, and chronic diseases including mental health, obesity, and diabetes.

Yuzi Zhang

Yuzi Zhang, Ph.D., MS

Postdoctoral Fellow

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Yuzi Zhang is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Austin location of the UTHealth Houston School of Public Health. Her research interests are physical activity, chronic diseases and conditions in middle-aged and older adults, physical activity and its determinants throughout the life course.

Marcus Vinícius Nascimento-Ferreira

Marcus Vinícius Nascimento-Ferreira, PhD, MSc, BS

Postdoctoral Fellow

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Dr. Marcus Vinicius Nascimento Ferreira is an epidemiologist studying social determinants of health, lifestyle behaviors, and cardiometabolic risk. He leads the HEALTHY-BRA group and contributes to the Enhancing Pediatric Health Equity Using Machine Learning project. Fluent in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, he is committed to advancing global he


Name and Credentials Title Organization Contact Information
Kathryn Burford, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Web
Greg Knell, Ph.D. Assistant Professor University of North Texas Web
Jacob Szeszulski , Ph.D. Assistant Professor Texas A&M Agrilife Web
Michael Robertson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor University of Oklahoma Health Science Center Web
Ashleigh Johnson, DrPH Assistant Professort San Diego State University Web
Erin Dooley, Ph.D. Assistant Professor University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health Web

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Physical Activity & Health Certificate

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About School of Public Health

UTHealth Houston is internationally recognized as one of the world's great research universities. The School of Public Health connects research, education, patient care, and community outreach in bold, innovative ways. Basic scientists and clinical researchers from all disciplines work together to deliver innovative solutions that create the best hope for a healthier future. Our faculty are pioneering radical solutions for imminent public health problems and provide the tools and resources that will push our students to think critically and creatively both in and out of the classroom. This is where academic rigor meets real-world application.

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