Dissertation Defense by Lisa Mitchell-Bennett, MA, MPH: Exploring Social Determinant of Health Factors in the Borderlands

When & Where

April 2, 2025
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
780 Ringold Rd. Brownsville, TX 78520 Blue Jay Room ( View in Google Map)


Event Description

Dissertation Defense by Lisa Mitchell-Bennett, MA, MPH, DrPH Candidate| Committee Members: Belinda Reininger, DrPH (Committee Chair), Shreela Sharma, PhD, Sheryl McCurdy, PhD, Minjae Lee, PhD (external advisor) Full Title: "La Cruz que Cargamos": Exploring Social Determinant of Health Factors and Associated Comorbidities in the Texas-Mexico Borderlands: A Sociocultural Perspective of Non-U.S.-Born Residents Living with Type 2 Diabetes
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