Dissertation Defense by Lauren Malthaner, MPH: Healthcare Utilization & Outcomes of Patients Seeking Care at a Pediatric Foster Ca
When & Where
March 1, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Bluebonnet Classroom, 2777 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75207 ( View in Google Map)
- Lauren Malthaner
- 2343803164
- [email protected]
Event Description
Dissertation Defense by Lauren Malthaner, MPH | PhD Candidate | Committee members: Sarah E. Messiah, PhD, MPH, FTOS (chair/supervisor/academic advisor); Gregory Knell, PhD, MS; Folefac Atem, PhD; Katelyn K. Jetelina, PhD, MPH | Presentation will be held in Bluebonnet Classroom, Dallas campus and via TeamsEvent Site Link
"name":"Dissertation Defense by Lauren Malthaner, MPH: Healthcare Utilization & Outcomes of Patients Seeking Care at a Pediatric Foster Ca",
"description":"Dissertation Defense by Lauren Malthaner, MPH | PhD Candidate | Committee members: Sarah E. Messiah, PhD, MPH, FTOS (chair/supervisor/academic advisor); Gregory Knell, PhD, MS; Folefac Atem, PhD; Katelyn K. Jetelina, PhD, MPH | Presentation will be held in Bluebonnet Classroom, Dallas campus and via Teams\n\nhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTlkMWIyZGMtODAyYS00NDA5LWIyZmEtZjQ5ZjM0MGVjMjg1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227b326d24-41ad-4f57-bc60-89e4a6ac721b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%229fb73c00-b8df-4f1b-b702-e0ece7210291%22%7d",
"location":"Bluebonnet Classroom, 2777 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75207",
"label":"Add to Calendar",