Thesis Presentation by Gracie Hufft, BS: Investigating the Genetic Drivers of Obesity: A Biostatistical Analysis of Rai1,

When & Where

April 7, 2025
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
School of Public Health Room W604, 1200 Pressler Street, Houston, Texas 77030 and WebEx ( View in Google Map)


Event Description

title continued: Circadian Rhythm, and Metabolic Regulation Thesis presentation by Gracie Hufft, BS | MS Candidate | Committee members: Sarah H. Elsea, Ph.D. (committee chair/thesis cosupervisor), Stacia DeSantis, Ph.D. (academic advisor/thesis co-supervisor) | Presentation will be held in School of Public Health Room W604 and via WebEx

Event Site Link


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