Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research

Cervical Cancer Awareness

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

Cervical cancer is one of the most treatable cancers and can, in many case, be prevented by early vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV). Even so, more than 12,000 women in the United States are still diagnosed with the disease each year. And like many cancers, cervical cancer has a disproportionate impact on minority communities, particularly Black and Latina Americans.

It is up to those of us working in health promotion to ensure that the proven effective methods of preventing cervical cancer through screening and vaccination are used as widely as possible. That’s why the Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research has a number of projects and programs working with partners throughout Texas and beyond to encourage early HPV vaccination and routine screenings.

All For Them

All for Them, an initiative run by UTHealth Houston School of Public Health, is a multilevel, multicomponent approach to increase HPV vaccination uptake among Texas youth. One strategy that All for Them implements is free mobile vaccination clinics at middle and high schools in multiple districts across the state. At the clinics, which are pre-consented so parents do not have to attend if they are unable to, students can obtain all childhood and adolescent vaccines, including the HPV vaccine, which protects against six types of cancer.

Since 2017, more than 8,800 youths have received at least one vaccine during the 350 clinics that the All for Them team has coordinated and implemented. Of those students, over 6,100 received the HPV vaccine. The vast majority of the students who did not receive the HPV vaccine were already up to date on the series, not yet due for the next dose at the time of the clinic, or not eligible for the vaccine due to their age.

Education is also a fundamental part of All for Them’s mission to help families protect their students’ health both now and in the future. That includes a free 1.5 hour school nurse education course which has trained over 1,100 nurses across Texas. The team has distributed more than 200,000 HPV vaccine fact sheets to parents and students to date. Additionally, by attending over 280 health fairs, back-to-school events, information sessions, and other gatherings, the All for Them team has directly engaged with and educated more than 16,500 parents and students.

All for Them is funded by the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT). Learn more about All for Them at AllForThemVaccines.com. Follow the project on FacebookInstagram, and X

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Adolescent Vaccination Program Implementation Tool (AVP-IT)

The Adolescent Vaccination Program (AVP) is an evidence-based, multi-component intervention demonstrated to increase HPV vaccination rates in pediatric clinics through the implementation of six evidence-based AVP strategies (immunization champions, assessment and feedback, continuing education, provider prompts, parent reminders, and parent education).

The AVP was implemented in pediatric clinic networks in Houston, TX and San Antonio, TX. Results from both studies indicate the AVP to be feasible for clinic use and effective in increasing both initiation and completion of the HPV vaccine series among male and female patients. Due to this success, we developed the Adolescent Vaccination Program Implementation Tool (AVP-IT), a web-based decision support tool designed to enable pediatric clinics to independently implement the AVP. By completing the Action Plan Wizard, clinics can obtain a tailored Action Plan that provides stepped guidance, tips, and tools to help facilitate implementation of the AVP into their current clinic practices.

For more information, visit the AVP-IT website at https://avptexas.org/ or contact Laura Thormaehlen at [email protected].

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Salud en Mis Manos

Salud en Mis Manos (SEMM) is a UTHealth CPRIT-funded program that seeks to provide medically underserved Latinas with the motivation, information and tools to complete their breast and cervical cancer screenings and HPV vaccinations.

Since 2020, SEMM has helped Latinas complete close to 7,000 breast and cervical cancer screenings and/or HPV vaccinations.

To schedule an education session, visit the SEMM webpage. For more information, contact Emily Adlparvar at [email protected] or 712-500-9608.

For more information about SEMM, read our featured article.

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Salud en Mis Manos  Dissemination and Implementation Assistance (SEMM-DIA)

Salud en Mis Manos – Dissemination and Implementation Assistance (SEMM-DIA) is an exciting new program at CHPPR. This online implementation support system includes a set of implementation strategies to facilitate the implementation and maintenance of the Salud en Mis Manos (SEMM) program, an evidence-based, CHW-delivered program used to increase breast and cervical cancer screening & HPV vaccination among Latina women, in health centers. 

HPV vaccinations, as they relate to SEMM-DIA, are focused on catch-up recommendations. Women 18-26 who have not received the HPV vaccine are recommended to initiate and complete the HPV vaccination series. Three doses of the HPV vaccine are recommended for young adults.

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•   The recommended three-dose schedule is 0, 1–2 and 6 months.

CHPPR Director Dr. Maria E. Fernández and her research team are currently working with healthcare clinics across Texas to test SEMM-DIA as part of the UTHealth Houston CDC-funded Prevention Research Center (PRC) Core Research Project.

Healthcare clinics work every day to improve breast and cervical cancer screening rates among their patient populations; your work is vital. During National Immunization Month and every day, it is our sincere hope that health systems recognize the value in our PRC resources, such as SEMM-DIA. The ongoing testing of SEMM-DIA will provide healthcare clinics with the skills and resources necessary to reach your patients and improve breast and cervical cancer screening & HPV vaccination rates in your clinic systems. 

If you and your clinic's leadership team would like to receive updates on SEMM-DIA, please get in touch with: Project Coordinator, Angelita Alaniz, MPH ([email protected]). CHPPR would like to sincerely thank you and your health system for providing breast and cervical cancer screening & HPV vaccination services to women in Texas.

To learn more about recommendations for catch-up HPV vaccinations, click here.

For Our Children/Por Nuestros Hijos

The For Our Children Program/Por Nuestros Hijos Program is a multilevel, bilingual (English/Spanish) evidence-based program demonstrated to increase HPV vaccination in pediatric populations. This multilevel program consists of print, web- and app-based educational tools for parents of adolescents ages 9-17 and clinicians who provide health care services to pediatric populations.

PNH was first implemented as a parent education program in clinic networks in Houston and later in community settings in Texas. The results from both studies indicated that the program was feasible for clinic and community implementation as it effectively increased HPV vaccination among participants in both settings.

Read our full story.

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