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CHoosing And Maintaining Effective Programs for Sex Education in Schools

Classroom Management

CHAMPSS Toolbox > Implement > Classroom Management

What is the purpose of this tool?

This Facts & Tips Sheet is meant as a quick guide to aid facilitators in managing the classroom and answering sensitive questions within the context of sexual health education programs. It is a good idea to distribute this document to new facilitators and at all training sessions. Furthermore, the section regarding the Values Question Protocol can be used to enhance facilitator training sessions by providing facilitators the opportunity to practice their skills in answering values-type questions.

Who should receive this tool?

This document may be printed and distributed to district members who facilitate programs. This may include: curriculum coordinators and program facilitators/teachers. Don’t forget to check out the iCHAMPSS Identifying Good Health Educators Facts & Tips Sheet in the PREPARE Step for more information on selecting facilitators to teach your sexual health program.

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