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CHoosing And Maintaining Effective Programs for Sex Education in Schools

Interpreting Findings for Success

CHAMPSS Toolbox > Maintain > Interpreting Findings for Success

What is the purpose of this tool?

This Facts & Tips Sheet will help your district interpret the process evaluation data you have collected. It is a good idea to have this document handy after you have created your process evaluation report in the IMPLEMENT Step in iCHAMPSS. The facts and tips will help you identify areas for improvement for future implementation of the program.

Who should receive this tool?

This document may be printed and distributed to district and school personnel who are involved in the analysis of the process evaluation data, the creation of the process evaluation report, and the creation of the maintenance plan for the selected evidence-based program. These individuals may include: district wellness coordinators, curriculum coordinators, and school-level coordinators/liaisons.

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