Project Overview
This study involves a needs assessment of methamphetamine-using men who have sex with men in the US. Data collection and funding have ended, however, data dissemination is ongoing.
The long-term objective of this study is to develop a technology-based tool that will facilitate a reduction in HIV transmission by supporting the enactment of harm reduction strategies by methamphetamine-using men who have sex with men.
There are four aims of this study:
- Comparing patterns of polysubstance use and harm reduction in men who meet male sexual partners online to identify differences in and predictors of risk behavior.
- Identifying how men in different harm reduction classifications vary in their perception of online HIV prevention needs, including preferred content and design features.
- Identifying perceived online HIV-prevention needs, including preferred content and design features, of HIV-prevention educators who regularly conduct outreach and education for methamphetamine-using men.
- Identify content and design features of technology-based HIV intervention for methamphetamine-using men.
This kind of research is particularly important because a mobile online intervention brings prevention to the risk environment where men are meeting men for substance use and sexual encounters. It can also provide educators and case managers ways to stay in touch with hard-to-reach men.
Project Details
J. Michael Wilkerson, PhD
University of Texas Health Science Center School of Public Health
BR Simon Rosser
University of Minnesota
Project Staff
Project personnel are listed below. Click on a name to view the individual profile.