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CHoosing And Maintaining Effective Programs for Sex Education in Schools

iCHAMPSS Flowchart

CHAMPSS Toolbox > Support > iCHAMPSS Flowchart

What is the iCHAMPSS Flowchart?

This flowchart is an observational model showing how school health policy making unfolds in many Texas school districts where school health advisory councils (SHACs) assume a major role in selecting sexual health curricula to recommend to the local Board of Trustees. The objective in creating this observational model is to represent how the theoretical CHAMPSS model might “translate” into a real-world setting. The flows in the chart reflect what occurs in SHACs where different organizational structures and events might produce alternative flows. The model incorporates phases, steps, processes, and some of the tools from the CHAMPSS model. This model is based on observing SHAC and district processes in several school districts over a four-year period.

What is the purpose of this tool?

To show possible sequences of activities related to policy making on sexual health education in Texas public school districts and outline the different groups responsible for conducting those activities.

How can the flowchart be used?

This chart is a reference guide for anyone who is interested in the policy making process in school districts with a similar organizational structure where a SHAC or some other participatory advisory group assists Board members in selecting programs for sexual health education. There are several items to note in reviewing this chart:

  • The bars across the top of the figure represent the phases and steps from the CHAMPSS model, and many of the processes (orange boxes) and documents (purple boxes with curve) also represent CHAMPSS activities and tools.
  • The bars along the side of the figure show what groups are responsible for the different steps in policy making outlined in CHAMPSS. SHACs are composed of parents, district employees, and community members, so there is considerable overlap in roles and responsibilities in the adoption phase.
  • Horizontal positioning of processes (orange boxes), decisions (yellow diamonds), and documents (purple boxes with curve) indicates where they occur in the process, not in relative time as decisions and other feedback processes might require groups to revisit a previous step.
  • The vertical positioning of these elements indicates who is responsible for these activities.
  • The decision points in the process (yellow diamonds) offer alternate pathways depending on the outcome (“Yes” or “No”).
  • Not all documents in this flow chart / model entail the production of formal reports. For example, the “Needs & Resource Assessment” in the ASSESS Step might simply be a narrative summary of local observations (e.g., number of pregnant students), or the “Implementation Plan” might be unnecessary if the approved program is integrated into an existing course or replacing another version.
  • This flow-chart does not represent all possible pathways for policy making processes; it simply shows how these processes have generally unfolded in the observed school districts. There might be other possible pathways, including opportunities to generate support from other stakeholders (green box) through other processes and documents (e.g., recommendation for Board approval, evaluation report).

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