Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research

News Archive

News Archive

Fernandez receives ASPPH Research Excellence Award

Maria E. Fernandez. PhD

December 20, 2021

 Maria E. Fernandez, PhD, the Lorne Bain Distinguished Professor in Public Health and Medicine, and professor of health promotion and behavioral science at UTHealth School of Public Health is the recipient of the 2022 Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health’s (ASPPH) Research Excellence Award. This distinguished award recognizes faculty who have devoted their careers to investigating public health issues. 

Take Care, Texas! aims to provide COVID-19 resources to underserved populations across the state

Take care Texas! graphic

December 9, 2021

Earlier this year, the UTHealth Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research (CHPPR) launched Take Care, Texasan online resource for up-to-date information on COVID-19 testing in Texas. Take Care, Texas is a part of the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics for Underserved Populations (RADxUP) program, which aims to develop an adaptive intervention to increase COVID-19 testing in vulnerable communities. 

Markham to sit on CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV

Dr. Christine Markham

November 30, 2021

Christine Markham, PhD, investigator for the Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research and professor and interim department chair for Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, has been selected to serve on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Health Resources and Services Administration (CDC/HRSA) Advisory Committee on HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STD Prevention and Treatment. The committee is responsible for providing guidance on national objectives and policies for HIV, viral hepatitis, and other STD prevention and treatment efforts.  

New Study Aims to Reduce Diabetes Rates

A person is preparing food

August 3, 2021

A new study developed by investigators at the Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research (CHPPR) will determine the efficacy of the Sustainable Culturally Adapted Nutritious Diet Program (SCAN).

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