Alumni Spotlight: Ruth Sanchez

Ruth Sanchez

Ruth Sanchez, MD, MPH is a graduate from UTHealth School of Public Health’s Austin campus. As a dual-degree MD/MPH student, she was able to share courses between her MD and MPH programs, finishing both degrees faster together than if she had completed them separately.

What are you hoping to accomplish in your professional life?

In my career as a future healthcare professional, I want to be able to not just treat the patient in front of me, but also the community I serve and even wider populations.

What skills or new perspectives have you gained working on your degree from UTHealth School of Public Health?

Pursuing my MPH, I have learned to investigate, research, understand the factors affecting the health of populations and how to understand the politics of health and healthcare and advocate for the health for all. I am so thankful for the education I received at UTHealth. I learned the theory and applicable skills to feel confident in my future career as a physician, researcher, and public health practitioner.

What does public health mean to you?

For me, public health means improving the health of all persons in all areas of life through scientific investigation and interventions to prevent, mitigate and control disease.

What’s one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you started your program?  

I wish I’d realized what a supportive and humble community I was joining; I would encourage all who join UTHSPH family to spend time getting to know your classmates and professors as they will uplift you and help you explore your passions.

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