Amier Haidar receives 2021 USPHS Excellence in Public Health Award

Amier Haidar shows his award

Amier Haidar, MD/MPH student with McGovern Medical School, is the recipient of the 2021 United States Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Award.

This national award is given to students who advance the USPHS’ mission of delivering health promotion and disease prevention programs to all Americans. Haidar was recognized for his achievements in promoting advocacy, affecting policy and enriching the learning environment of his academic institutions.

“I am delighted to recognize Amier as he receives this national award for his contributions to the field of public health,” said Dr. Robert Emery, Vice President of Safety, Health, Environment and Risk Management at UTHealth, “Amier has clearly demonstrated…his commitment to improving the lives of others.”

Haidar’s dedication to the field of public health has been proven by establishing and serving as president of the Association for Nutrition in the Health Professions at UTHealth; starting a nutrition education program at Cullen Middle School in Houston, Texas; conducting research and working to improve health literacy and address social needs among low-income families, and through many more achievements.

“Receiving this award has reaffirmed I am on the right path and provided me additional motivation to continue to treat and conduct research on preventing chronic diseases,” said Haidar, “As the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of public health and the entrenched complexities of our health care system, I hope to continue to bridge the gap between the patient and the community through research, service, and advocacy."

Upon graduation, Haidar plans on completing a residency in internal medicine, and a cardiovascular disease fellowship.

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