Texas 85th Legislative Session with Children at Risk

Texas 85th Legislative Session with Children at Risk

On June 27th, the IHL coordinated a presentation by Children at Risk highlighting the impact of legislation from the 85th session on the health of El Paso children including nutrition, physical activity, public education, human trafficking, and mental health. The event was hosted at The Hospitals of Providence East Campus.

State Representative Lina Ortega shared her experience during the recent Texas Legislative Session and encouraged community members to get involved

To kick things off, Dr. Bob Sanborn, President and CEO of Children at Risk, facilitated an interview with State Representative Lina Ortega that included questions from the audience.

Dr. Bob Sanborn, President and CEO of Children at Risk, shared wins and misses from the recent session with teams from FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC, and Telemundo news stations

Following the presentations, a panel discussion with participation from the audience provided an opportunity to discuss ongoing related work happening in our region as it relates to this recent session.

Dr. Leah Whigham, Executive Director for The Institute for Healthy Living; Jenny Eyer, Senior Policy Analyst for Children at Risk; Dr. Bob Sanborn, President and CEO for Children at Risk; Mandi Kimball, Director Public Policy and Government Affairs for Children at Risk; Claire E. Bocchini, Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist; Dr. Michael Kelly, Vice President Programs for Paso del Norte Health Foundation

The IHL will host another legislative debrief in the Fall following the conclusion of the special session ongoing now in Austin. Follow us on Facebook to keep up with all of our events.

The IHL will host another legislative debrief in the Fall following the conclusion of the special session ongoing now in Austin. 

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Contact the Center for Community Health Impact | 915-975-8527 | [email protected]