Selecting the following links will cause you to leave the CCHI website. The links are provided as a public service and relate to the health of the region. They are created and maintained by other private and public organizations. CCHI does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Such links do not constitute an endorsement of the listed entities.
CCHI is not responsible for the content accessible through these links; and under no circumstances will the CCHI be held liable to any party who may choose to rely on a listed entity, its products, or services.
Curriculum Evaluation Tool
The UTHealth Center for Community Health Impact Curriculum Evaluation Tool is designed to evaluate a curriculum in 12 areas. If any items are lacking, the CCHI team can help develop strategies to integrate components to meet those missing areas. By ensuring all 12 areas are addressed in the curriculum, the curriculum is more likely to lead to behavior change.
The Healthy Paso del Norte website is a source of population data and community health information. The site is sponsored by the Coalition for a Healthy Paso del Norte. We invite planners, policy makers, and community members to use the site as a tool for community assessment, strategic planning, best practice identification, collaboration, and advocacy. Please visit the website for regional health data, resources and other best practices.
Paso del Norte Region
- Paso del Norte Food for Every Child 2017 Special Report with a brief explanation in this article about increasing healthy food access
- Paso del Norte Diabetes Asset Scan 2017 with a brief explanation in this report summary
- Healthy Paso del Norte Report 2016
- Community Health Worker Resources Web Page
El Paso
Las Cruces
County-Level Health Data
- County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
- New Mexico Community Data Collaborative-GIS maps
- New Mexico’s Indicator-Based Information System (NM-IBIS)
Worksite Wellness
In March 2018, the CCHI partnered with Texas A&M AgriLife to provide a Worksite Wellness training program for the region. Dr. Ninfa Pena-Purcell has given her consent for her PowerPoint handouts to be made available to the public. You can access each of the three PDFs by clicking on the following links:
- Working Well: It Pays to Promote Health
- Working Well: A Blueprint for a Wellness Plan
- Working Well: Next Steps – Starting Your Wellness Program
Resources for HEAL partners
2017 HEAL RFP Workshop: Logic model training for the HEAL Initiative on Feb 27, 2017
- SMART goals
- HEAL Logic model glossary: available in English and Español
- Behavior Change Technique Taxonomy (BCTT) by Susan Michie, et al.
- Summary, pg. 52 of full report: available in English and Español
- Definitions of behavior change techniques, p. 53-76 of full report: available in English only
- Program Outputs and Activities Resource Guide: available in English and Español
Building Evaluation Capacity: Action Planning
- English
- Introduction
- SMART Objectives (Step 1)
- Brainstorming Activities (Step 2)
- Assigning Responsibility (Step 3)
- Managing Time (Step 4)
- Inputting Information (Step 5)
- Plans & Proposals (Step 6)
- Spanish
- Introducción
- Objetivos SMART (Paso 1)
- Lluvia de ideas de actividades (Paso 2)
- Asignar responsabilidades (Paso 3)
- Manejo de tiempo (Paso 4)
- Introduciendo information (Paso 5)
- Planes de accion y propuestas (Paso 6)