Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research

Susan Tortolero Emery, PhD

Photo of Susan Tortolero Emery, PhD

Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Research Affairs and Guy S. Parcel Chair in Public Health
[email protected]



Distinguished Teaching Professor, Health Promotion, Behavioral Science and Epidemiology

Allan King Professor of Public Health

Senior Associate Dean of Academic and Research Affairs

Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences

Research Interests

Adolescent Health
Health Equity
Injury and Violence
Maternal and Child Health
Sexual Health
Women's Health
Program Evaluation


I am Senior Associate Dean of Academic and Research Affairs, as well as Professor of Epidemiology and of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health. I have devoted my professional career to public health (I am Certified in Public Health by the National Board of Public Health Examiners), and I strive to remain at the forefront of this evolving field as it relates to primary prevention and health promotion in the area of sexual health. I have extensive experience and broad expertise in administrative leadership of research centers, as well as in research on innovative, effective interventions targeting diverse populations. For close to 10 years, I was director of the Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research whose mission is to conduct research to develop, evaluate, and disseminate health promotion and disease prevention programs in diverse settings and populations. For over 10 years, I was also director of the CDC-funded University of Texas Prevention Research Center, which united academic researchers, community members, and public health agencies to collaborate on developing effective strategies to promote health and prevent disease among adolescents in Harris County and across Texas. In addition to administrative leadership experience, I have over 20 years’ experience conducting research on risk and protective behaviors related to physical, mental, and sexual health, with the goal of understanding their determinants, developing and testing interventions to reduce associated risk factors, and disseminating effective interventions broadly. My numerous research, leadership, and teaching contributions have garnered many prestigious awards, including the UTHealth President’s Award for Leadership, the UT System Board of Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, the R. Palmer Beasley, MD, Faculty Award for Innovation, and the Douglas B. Kirby Adolescent Research Award.


Email[email protected] 
Phone: +1 (713) 500-9091

Current Projects

We Can Do More (WCDM): Assessing Implicit Bias and Related Factors among Reproductive Health Professionals

Thumbnail image for We Can Do More (WCDM): Assessing Implicit Bias and Related Factors among Reproductive Health Professionals

The objective of this formative research study is to assess mental associations, attitudes, and stereotypes towards attributes associated with contraception methods and race/ethnicity among Harris County providers who work in reproductive health settings.

Be Legendary - Developing a Multi-Component Teen Pregnancy Prevention Intervention for Male Teens

Thumbnail image for Be Legendary - Developing a Multi-Component Teen Pregnancy Prevention Intervention for Male Teens

A theoretically-based and youth-centered approach to reduce unplanned teen birth among male adolescents

Code of Respect (X-CoRe) Program

Thumbnail image for Code of Respect (X-CoRe) Program

A study to develop and test the usability of a sexual harassment and assault prevention program for active duty Airmen.

Native It's Your Game

Thumbnail image for Native It's Your Game

Native IYG is an online sexual health education curriculum for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth ages 12-14.

Me and You: Building Healthy Relationships

Thumbnail image for Me and You: Building Healthy Relationships

Me & You is among one of the first middle school programs to have been developed and shown to be effective in reducing dating violence perpetration for ethnic minority middle school youth and to include components from multiple levels of the socio-ecological model.

Owning HERStory: A Qualitative Storytelling Project

Thumbnail image for Owning HERStory: A Qualitative Storytelling Project

The goal of this research study is to conduct focus groups and interviews to understand women’s personal experiences and perspectives on contraceptive use and access.

Houston Experiences in Reproductive Health Survey (HER Survey)

Thumbnail image for Houston Experiences in Reproductive Health Survey (HER Survey)

Survey on reproductive health experiences of women in Harris County.

It's Your Game

Thumbnail image for It's Your Game

IYG is a a theory-based healthy relationship and sexual health education curriculum.

Mobilizing Community Partnerships for Effective Sex Education in Middle School

Thumbnail image for Mobilizing Community Partnerships for Effective Sex Education in Middle School

Using community-based participatory research methods, researchers at UTHealth developed iCHAMPSS, an innovative, theory- and Web-based decision support system designed to facilitate the adoption, implementation, and maintenance of adolescent sexual health evidence-based programs in schools.