All for Them Blueprint - Plan


Toolkit Maintain Icon

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YOU ARE HERE: Maintain


Congratulations! If you made it to the Maintain phase, it means you’ve implemented All for Them at least one time in your organization and plan to implement it again in the future. This is an important crossroads in your All for Them journey as you decide on your next steps. Now is the time to reflect on your implementation experience and to prepare for future success and expanded impact!

Watch this video featuring All for Them champions describe steps they took to ensure successful maintenance of the program in their organizations!

Evaluate your accomplishments and address any challenges encountered during the implementation process.

Goal icon The GOAL for this phase is to create a maintenance plan to ensure All for Them is implemented successfully in the future.

The tools provided for this step are designed to help you measure the program’s impact, troubleshoot barriers, and take actionable steps for improvements in future implementations.

REMEMBER: You can come back to the "Implementing All for Them" toolkit anytime and use the resources provided to keep All for Them going as a long-term initiative in your organization and community!

School & District: School & District Health Care Provider: Health Care Provider

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