As you prepare for the clinic day, it is important to collaborate with your implementation partner to coordinate logistics for distributing and collecting consent materials. These tasks include finalizing the content of the packets, ensuring all necessary forms and information are included, and determining the most efficient method for distribution to students. Additionally, it is important to establish a clear timeline for packet distribution and collection and assign responsibilities to team members. This step will help ensure the process runs smoothly and that all necessary consents are received in a timely manner.
NOTE: Coordinating pre-consented events can improve clinic participation since parents do not need to take time off from work or travel to the school on the day of the clinic. This adds the benefit of parents not having to be present at the vaccination clinic, which allows for an easy clinic flow, resulting in students missing less class time.
Prepare the consent packets
To ensure All for Them is implemented as it is intended, three items must be included as part of each consent form packet.
Along with these required forms, a data-sharing consent form between the school and provider partner can be included, if needed.
As you meet with your implementation partner, decide who will take on the printing costs for each of the items referenced previously. Dividing printing costs will create a teamwork approach and will ensure this step is sustainable for both partners.
TIP: Schools and school districts can collaborate with the health care provider partner to set a registration deadline to ensure there is enough time to review the consent forms for completion.
Distribute the consent packets
A schoolwide consent packet distribution is recommended to facilitate the distribution process and ensure all parents receive the included education materials and have an opportunity for their child to participate. By using this strategy, the All for Them champion saves time from having to identify which students need vaccinations.
We recommend distributing packets during student congregations to maximize reach and facilitate the distribution process. Here are some strategies that may work best for packet distribution:
Collect the consent forms
An important step is to notify your teachers, students, and parents when the packets are distributed and share other important deadlines like a due date. Use the Parent communication templates for customizable templates to communicate in a variety of ways with your families. School and provider implementation partners should establish a due date that allows providers enough time to pick up packets to register patients with anticipation, if required. Encouraging families to return consent forms early will allow the provider to order and bring enough supplies for the event. We recommend making frequent reminder call-outs, emails, and announcements to ensure families can meet your consent form deadline.
Track and organize the consent forms
Keeping track of the consent forms students return helps the school champions stay organized and facilitates the process on the day of the event. Use the Consent form tracker to log important student information.
Register patients in advance
As you approach your vaccination clinic day, an important step providers can take to ensure an efficient and smooth clinic flow is to register patients in advance. The school and provider champions can work together to identify an efficient process to hand-off student consent forms in advance of the clinic. Being flexible to accept last-minute returned packets can boost participation but may not always be possible based on provider constraints.
Following the steps described in this tool will help you obtain parental consent efficiently for the vaccination clinic, leading to higher student participation and a more organized clinic event.
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