Apply for an the Dietetic Internship 

For more information on the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Dietetic Internship, please visit our website.

interns in kitchen with DW LMinterns_harvesting_nourishgarden nathan YFYC 

Why Intern at Nourish?

The concentration for The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston) Dietetic Internship Program is public health nutrition. Dietetic Interns delve into this area of concentration through didactic work, supervised practice, and their final specialty practice rotation with staff relief in an area of public health nutrition selected by each intern.

If you are interested in completing your community-supervised practice hours at Nourish, please email [email protected]. 

Dietetic Internship Alumni Highlights 

"UTSPH gave me the building blocks for the foundation on which my career is based on now. My MPH has given me the ability to bring a new approach to patient care and program planning & evaluation. Not to mention, its a huge bonus in my Spokesperson role for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics.  I couldn't have asked for a more well-rounded training."  --Kristi King, MPH, RDN, CNSC, LD, Senior Pediatric Dietitian at Texas Children's Hospital & Clinical Instructor at Baylor College of Medicine

"Working in the Nourish Kitchen helped me develop culinary skills that are imperative for nutrition professionals. Additionally, I believe I developed greater self-confidence in public speaking as a result of the various opportunities in the Nourish Kitchen, such as Lunch and Learns and Culinary Medicine classes." --Olivia Sanchez, MPH, RDN, LD, Clinical Dietitian, Laredo Medical Center 

"The Simulation Lab was a huge help in building my confidence to go into my clinical rotations. Having the practice and experience conducting assessments on Mr. Sims led me to feel completely ready to start seeing patients on my first day of clinical rotation. This practice has also helped me in my current role knowing what questions to ask and what to look for when assessing my patients for malnutrition." --Diana Guevara, MPH, RDN, LD, Clinical Dietitian, Harris Health Systems

“Working as the Holistic Garden Manager for the Nourish Program gave me confidence in my abilities to manage volunteers, design and implementing seed-to-plate nutrition curriculum, and develop menus centered around the seasonality of produce. As Garden Manager, I learned how to use gardening as a tool to inspire curiosity and effectively engage children in nutrition education efforts.” –Marissa Albers, MPH, RDN, LD, Dietitian and Marketing Coordinator for Lake Travis Independent School District


There are many opportunities to volunteer at Nourish. 

Volunteer in the Garden  

Learn about soil, planting, maintenance including organic pest control, how to harvest, and more! To learn more about volunteering in the holistic garden, please contact us.

 garden_harvest_two_internswatering garden   interns cutting in compost

Cooking Classes

Nourish teaches your team how to unlock the remarkable potential of what we eat, celebrating food's emotional and functional role in our lives. With an emphasis on hands-on techniques rooted in the belief that we learn best by doing, Nourish worksite wellness classes are tailored to your team and taught by our registered dietitian nutritionists, chefs, and behavioral scientists.

Why Nourish?

instructor in kitchen rountablemed students smilingvirtual_cooking_class


Team members learn to make healthy food taste delicious, translating nutrition science into practical and personalized advice.


Team members prepare produce harvested from our on-site holistic garden, learning where food comes from and how to grow what we eat seasonally and sustainably.


We tailor our world to yours and bring the classroom to you, conducting in-house culinary and nutrition education classes.

How to get started

To collaborate with Nourish, please contact us at [email protected].