Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health

IH leaders and students set for 2023 Seminar Series

Jooyeon Hwang IH Seminar Series quote

IH leaders and students set for 2023 Seminar Series

HOUSTON (June 22, 2023) -- The Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (SWCOEH) continues its Continuing Education (CE) Program with the 2023 edition of the Industrial Hygiene (IH) Seminar Series, with the first seminar of the series set for Thursday, June 29.

The topic for the first seminar of the 2023 series is “Government Regulations of Chemical Safety in the Public and Private Sectors.” The seminar will feature three speakers: Silvia Maberti, PhD, a Senior Exposure Specialist with ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences, Inc.; Alex Cardone, ASP, MPH, a 2021 graduate of the SWCOEH IH MPH program and currently an Industrial Hygiene Supervisor with the Department of Defense; and Jorge Gomez, BS, MS, a Compliance Specialist with the US Department of Labor-OSHA.

“By participating in the IH seminar, practitioners can access cutting-edge IH knowledge and trends, along with valuable opportunities to expand their professional network,” said Jooyeon Hwang, PhD, MS, an Associate Professor in Industrial Hygiene for the SWCOEH.


“Through practical IH case studies, participants will learn useful knowledge to improve their IH skills,” said Wei-Chung Su, PhD, CIH, Assistant Professor and Interim Industrial Hygiene Program Director at the SWCOEH.

The IH Seminar Series (formally the Greater Houston Industrial Hygiene Council Seminar Series) has served as a valuable, local option for Industrial Hygiene Continuing Education for more than 50 years.  The seminars are a place for professionals to keep up with the ever-evolving field of industrial hygiene. The local Industrial Hygiene and Safety Professional community has benefitted greatly from this forum, where industry experts collaborate to produce timely and necessary updates for various IH and Safety topics.

Looking forward to seeing you at the IH Seminars!