Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research


Ross Shegog, PhD

Photo of Ross Shegog, PhD

[email protected]



Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences

Research Interests

Application of instructional and/or decision-support technology in health promotion and disease prevention including pediatric asthma management; prevention and cessation of adolescent and young adult tobacco use; prevention of HIV, STD, and pregnancy in middle school children


Email: [email protected] 
Phone: +1 (713) 500-9677
Fax: +1 (713) 500-9602

Current Projects

Code of Respect (X-CoRe) Program

Thumbnail image for Code of Respect (X-CoRe) Program

A study to develop and test the usability of a sexual harassment and assault prevention program for active duty Airmen.

Mobilizing Community Partnerships for Effective Sex Education in Middle School

Thumbnail image for Mobilizing Community Partnerships for Effective Sex Education in Middle School

Using community-based participatory research methods, researchers at UTHealth developed iCHAMPSS, an innovative, theory- and Web-based decision support system designed to facilitate the adoption, implementation, and maintenance of adolescent sexual health evidence-based programs in schools.

Adolescent Vaccination Project: Multi-Component Interventions for Patients and Providers to Increase HPV Vaccination in a Network of Pediatric Clinics

Thumbnail image for Adolescent Vaccination Project: Multi-Component Interventions for Patients and Providers to Increase HPV Vaccination in a Network of Pediatric Clinics

An initiative to increase initiation and completion of HPV vaccination among male and female patients at TCP, a network of over 50 clinics in the greater Houston area.

Adolescent Vaccination Program Implementation Tool (AVP-IT)

Thumbnail image for Adolescent Vaccination Program Implementation Tool (AVP-IT)

The Adolescent Vaccination Program (AVP) is a multicomponent HPV vaccination program that targets healthcare providers and parents of pediatric patients ages 11-17.

Spanish MINDSET: Expanding and Validating a Self-Management Tool for the Hispanic Community

Thumbnail image for Spanish MINDSET: Expanding and Validating a Self-Management Tool for the Hispanic Community

The goal of this project is to develop a Spanish version of an epilepsy self-management decision-support system and test the efficacy of both the Spanish and English versions on epilepsy self-management in Hispanic.

Salud en Mis Manos Dissemination and Implementation Assistance (SEMM-DIA)

Thumbnail image for Salud en Mis Manos Dissemination and Implementation Assistance (SEMM-DIA)

SEMM-DIA is an implementation support system for Salud en Mis Manos (SEMM), an evidence-based breast and cervical education and navigation program for Latinas. SEMM-DIA includes a set of implementation strategies to facilitate program implementation and maintenance.

Houston Collaborative for Youth in Care Research/iCHAMPSS 2.0

Thumbnail image for Houston Collaborative for Youth in Care Research/iCHAMPSS 2.0

UTHealth leads the research arm of the Houston Collaborative for Youth in Care. This work includes developing sexual health education for youth in foster care and adults that work with them, updating iCHAMPSS, and reviewing sex-ed programs for TEKS alignment.

Native It's Your Game

Thumbnail image for Native It's Your Game

Native IYG is an online sexual health education curriculum for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth ages 12-14.

Me and You: Building Healthy Relationships

Thumbnail image for Me and You: Building Healthy Relationships

Me & You is among one of the first middle school programs to have been developed and shown to be effective in reducing dating violence perpetration for ethnic minority middle school youth and to include components from multiple levels of the socio-ecological model.

Me & You Too

Thumbnail image for Me & You Too

Me & You Too is a multi-level 6th grade sexual risk avoidance education curriculum designed to increase students’ healthy decision-making, goal-setting, and self-regulation skills to have healthy relationships and abstain from sexual activity and other risk behaviors.

Project Red Talon

Thumbnail image for Project Red Talon

The goal of Project Red Talon is to provide outreach, education, and technical assistance to disseminate Native It’s Your Game 2.0, a web-based HIV, STI, and pregnancy prevention curriculum for American Indian and Alaska Native youth ages 12-14 with both an online and jump drive delivery.

Native iCHAMPS

Thumbnail image for Native iCHAMPS

The goal of this R21 study is to adapt and assess the feasibility and impact an innovative online decision support system, Native iCHAMPS, to facilitate the adoption and implementation of culturally-relevant effective sexual health education interventions in AIAN communities.

It's Your Game

Thumbnail image for It's Your Game

IYG is a a theory-based healthy relationship and sexual health education curriculum.

Me & You-Tech: A Socio-Ecological Solution to Teen Dating Violence for the Digital Age

Thumbnail image for Me & You-Tech: A Socio-Ecological Solution to Teen Dating Violence for the Digital Age

The goal of this 3 year Fast-Track STTR is to develop and evaluate a multi-level (youth, parent, school) Internet-based teen dating violence (DV) prevention program, ‘Me & You-Tech’ (MYTech), for predominantly racial/ethnic-minority 6th--grade middle school students.


Thumbnail image for MINDSET

The Management Information & Decision Support Epilepsy Tool Plus (MINDSET) is a web-based bilingual program designed to improve patient-provider communication to enhance self-management of patients with epilepsy (PWE) through tailored behavioral goal selection and action plan development.

Cervical Cancer-Free Texas

Thumbnail image for Cervical Cancer-Free Texas

Cervical Cancer-Free Texas (CCFTexas) was launched in April 2011. The initiative is led by researchers at The University of Texas School of Public Health who have experience developing and disseminating programs to prevent and control cervical, breast, and colorectal cancers.

Recent News

CHPPR Researchers Evaluating Cost Effectiveness of Proven Epilepsy Program in New Study

Thumbnail image for CHPPR Researchers Evaluating Cost Effectiveness of Proven Epilepsy Program in New Study

A new study by CHPPR researchers aims to evaluate the economic feasibility of the evidence-based Management Information & Decision Support Epilepsy Tool (MINDSET) in community and healthcare settings.