Collaborative Action Board


The Collaborative action board meets quarterly to strategize environmental, policy and system change, including provision of quality preventive services, in order to improve health in the Rio Grande Valley.

The Collaborative Action Board (CAB) is comprised of many organizations from city departments, state health departments, organizational and community non-profit entities, hospitals, clinics, school districts and public officials from across the Rio Grande Valley.

Collaborative Action Board Logo

Over the last decade the CAB has grown to over 200 members representing at least 50 agencies and organizations. The CAB meets quarterly in a large group and more often in smaller committees. Each year the advisory board reviews its stated priorities, and subcommittee structure to see if they are still relevant.

These priorities include:

  • Evidenced-based prevention and intervention projects, practices, and strategies
  • Policy change
  • Environmental change
  • Chronic disease prevention and control
  • Focus on underserved population

The Collaborative Action Board (CAB) - Contact us

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