Physical Activity


These presentations are filled with healthy educational information that will help you along the way.


Watch as our experts inform you about the health education information.

Expert Videos

Role Model Videos

"Muevete" Instructional Videos

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We give you the tools to get you on track.

Mi strategies

Conversation Starter to assess motivation and ambivalence

What strategies have worked for you in the past?
What are your hopes for the future if you are able to become more active?

Assessing Readiness

How do you feel about changing your exercise behaviors?
How ready to change are you?
How would you like your health to be different?

Guided Meditations

Stream this short Guided Meditation clips.



Download these apps to help you along the way.

Become a Volunteer

Sign up today to get more information on the volunteer opportunities available and help build a Culture of Health in Cameron County.