Non-Medical Drivers of Health

Acknowledging the importance of Non-Medical Health Drivers also known as Social Determinants of Health, the CHCD has acquired and developed a comprehensive database of information related to economic, education, healthcare access, neighborhood, built environment, and social factors.

Texas Data Snapshot Tables

The “Texas Data Snapshot Tables” contains 30 pre-selected variables covering education, social, economic, healthcare access, and environmental factors. Files can be viewed by zip code or county for 2016 through 2020.

Data Library

Our team has obtained raw data files from each source listed in the Non-Medical Drivers of Health Data Library to facilitate access to this information. Our query tool allows you to search areas of interest and identify data sources.

Download “Navigating the Non-Medical Drivers of Health Data Library” for additional information on the Texas Data Snapshot Tables and Data Library. Information includes a complete list of data sources and how to request data access. The Non-Medical Drivers of Health Data Library was created with the support from The Cullen Foundation.