TX-APCD Overview

In September 2021, House Bill (HB) 2090, a health cost transparency law passed in the 87th Legislative session, established the Texas All-Payor Claims Database (TX-APCD) within The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston) and UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Center for Health Care Data.

The TX-APCD includes medical, pharmacy, and dental claims, as well as eligibility and provider files, collected from private and public payors. It will contain administrative claims information on approximately 60% of all covered Texans, representing nearly 100% of medical claims regulated by the state.

Read the most recent Biennial Report to the Legislature

TX-APCD will Improve Population Health

By providing the most comprehensive disease prevalence and incidence surveillance data available to decision-makers accountable for improving state population health.

Improving Health Population

The benefits of the TX-APCD include the following:

  • hospital-user-duotoneTransparency into the health care system and aggregate costs of care for Texas consumers.
  • memo-circle-info-duotoneAccess to health care information that targets low-value care and inefficient utilization of services with insights into charge and payment amounts.
  • laptop-binary-duotoneData for quality improvement initiatives that enable professionals and providers to compare their performance with that of their peers (through aggregated data).
  • chart-mixed-duotoneAnalysis of trends in health care affordability, availability, quality, and utilization to enable public policy decisions by state and local policy-makers, reported biennially.
  • users-medical-duotoneData on incidence, prevalence, access, and outcomes for health interest groups.
  • layer-group-duotoneRepository of accessible data available to qualified researchers for non-commercial purposes that support improving population health.